Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Your Dog Isn't A Hollywood Star? Sue!

Stage mothers for a Rottweiler and other dogs have sued a company called Hollywood Paws for failing to turn their pooches into stars. More than a dozen pet owners contend the company collected tens of thousands of dollars but never delivered on promises to get film and television auditions for their pets.

"I lost a lot of money," said Rachel Armstrong, owner of Goliath the Rottweiler.

Armstrong said she believed her dog had the "cool" factor that would get him into music videos and paid nearly $2,000 to Hollywood Paws LLC for training.

All she got was a rejection from "The Tyra Banks Show."

Attorney Cynthia Mulvihill filed the suit in Superior Court last month.

"Who wouldn't want to be told, 'Hey your member of the family is beautiful and should be in the movies'?" she asked.

Hollywood Paws offers training in such media skills as getting a pooch or cat to crawl, freeze or scratch on command.

On its Web site, the company warns: "Completing these courses won't guarantee that your house pet will become a screen pet."

The business also has a talent agency and bills itself as "a way to effectively link animal actors and studio trainers with professionals in the entertainment industry looking for new talent."

Hollywood Paws owner Larry Lionetti contends he never promised acting jobs, although he said several animals had won spots in commercials.

"Everybody knows down in your town that there are actors and actresses waiting on tables until a part comes along," he said. "Who in L.A. doesn't know this?"

Copyright © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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